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UC Berkeley

App & UI (Grasshopper, Human UI, Ladybug)

Spring 2021

Collaboration with Ari Bible & Yunqi Wei

This project is sited in San Francisco, and a climate analysis of the area was performed prior to the application design process.

Using the CBE Clima & Ladybug tools, this analysis began with a preliminary look at the local climate and UTCI comfort conditions over the course of a year in San Francisco.

Developed on Grasshopper, the final product is an interactive application for form finding and performance analysis with the goals of providing green space, assigning mixed programs and year-round usability.

Site is located on Market Street in San Francisco

Chart relating outdoor program use periods, activity levels, metabolic equivalents, and desired sun and wind conditions

SF Bay Area UTCI Analysis

App Interface (developed on Grasshopper, Human UI)

Massing Output, Sky View & Sun Hour Analysis generated by the application

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